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模造短刀 柄糸巻 Model Tanto (String Tsuka)

26,400 JPY

About shipping cost

  • 黒柄/黒呂鞘 Black tsuka/Black gloss saya

    26,400 JPY

  • 斑点柄/金梨地鞘 Spots tsuka/Kin-nashiji saya

    26,400 JPY

  • 斑点柄/朱鞘 Spots tsuka/Vermilion saya

    26,400 JPY

刀身(切先端からハバキまで) :6寸(18cm) 重さ(鞘含):250g  柄長さ:9.5cm  全長(鞘含):32.5cm 亜鉛合金製刀身・刃紋:直刃 金襴袋付き(色柄につきましては都度異なる場合がございます。) Blade length (from the Habaki to tip of blade) : 18cm Weight (Including saya): 250g Tsuka length: 9.5cm Total length (including saya): 32.5cm Zinc alloy blade / Straight hamon Kinran bag is attached.(Color and pattern will change every time.) ※本製品は合金にメッキを施した模造刀であり刃物には該当いたしません。   This product is an imitation sword that has been plated on an alloy and does not fall under the category of a knife.

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